Time Strategies for Mythology & Folklore

If there’s anything that I fall victim to, it’s procrastination. For me, procrastination can come in various forms. In the past I’ve had a lack of motivation or inspiration on creative projects. Sometimes I’m subjected to artist’s block, a variation of writer’s block. For those who don’t know or need a refresher on the definition, writer’s block is when a creative individual, either as a hobby or profession, becomes stuck or uninspired with their work, thus losing the ability to produce any new work. It’s a real drag, and nothing has ever frustrated me more than artist’s block. Eventually I was able to solve this issue after reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, which I still refer to from time to time (I highly recommend it for you creative types out there). A lot of the motivational tools I use can also be found in Caroline Webb’s article, How to Beat Procrastination. For example, when I share my ideas with other people, I commit myself to working through my projects by having an external source of motivation through socialization. I’m also a fan of making to-do lists, and making step-by-step to-do lists if I don’t know where to start. That way, I can always be working ahead instead of feeling stuck by procrastination.


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