Week 2: Reading Overview

Snippet from "How the Dragon was Tricked"
After looking through many stories this past weekend, I found a few that caught my attention. 

Week 3: (Women Saints) Golden Legend: Saint Juliana
Week 4: (Women Saints) Golden Legend: Saint Martha

Week 5: Georgian Folk Tales: The Serpent and the Peasant
Week 6: Georgian Folk Tales: Fate

ASIAN and/or AFRICAN units [Week 8 is review week.]
Week 7: Japanese Mythology: The Miraculous Mirror
Week 9: Ozaki: The Adventures of Kintaro

Week 10: Tejas Legends: The Maiden Who Loved a Star
Week 11: Tejas Legends: When the Rainbow was Torn

BRITISH and/or CELTIC units
Week 12: English Fairy Tales: The Stars in the Sky
Week 13: Welsh Fairy Tales: Hu Gadarn

Week 14: Lang 1: How the Dragon was Tricked
Week 15: Literary Works: The Little Mermaid

I’m very excited to read the stories on this list, especially the Japanese mythologies, since I’ve been introduced to a few of them after studying abroad in Kyoto. I also chose a lot of stories involving dragons (or serpents of some sort) because I’m interested in 1) how diverse they are based on the time period and region, and 2) understanding why they are treated as the antagonist in almost every story. I think dragons are an interesting subject to analyze in mythology and folklore, though that’s just an idea of mine. Surprisingly, I thought there might be more stories included, but it’s probably best that there are a select number of readings for each sectionit might be overwhelming to choose from a wide variety. Still, that’s why I have the extra reading to look forward to! 


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