Week 6 Reading Notes: Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha, Part B

Buddha Statue at Tōdai-ji in Nara, Japan (taken by yours truly) 
Title: Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha
Publication: 1922
Author: André-Ferdinand Hérold (February 24, 1865—October 23, 1940)
Translator: Paul Charles Blum (1898—1981)
Notes: André-Ferdinand Hérold (February 24, 1865—October 23, 1940) was a French writer and poet who published “The Life of Buddha” in 1922. It was translated into English by author and translator Paul Charles Blum (1898—1981).
Siddhartha, the hero
Siddhartha meditates after defeating Mara, the Evil One
Siddhartha has visions of the world in meditation
The next morning, Siddhartha becomes the Buddha
The gods great the next Buddha


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