Week 6 Reading Notes: Siddhartha's First Meditation, Part A

Siddhartha under the Bohdi Tree

Title: Siddhartha’s First Meditation

Publication: 1922

Author: André-Ferdinand Hérold (February 24, 1865—October 23, 1940)

Translator: Paul Charles Blum (1898—1981)

Notes: André-Ferdinand Hérold (February 24, 1865—October 23, 1940) was a French writer and poet who published “The Life of Buddha” in 1922. It was translated into English by author and translator Paul Charles Blum (1898—1981).

Prince Siddhartha
Visvamitra, Siddhartha’s teacher
Five traveling hermits
King Suddhodana

Kapilavastu (city in Shakya, India/Nepal)

Visvamitra is instructed to teach Siddhartha
Siddhartha masters the scripts
Siddhartha goes traveling
Siddartha meditates under a tree
The five hermits prophesize Siddartha’s greatness as the Buddha
Suddhodana is happy to see that his son is doing well
Siddhartha tells his father that they “must seek the great truths”
Siddhartha returns to Kapilavastu


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