Week 11 Reading Notes: The Crane and the Hummingbird, Part A

Link to story.

Title: The Crane and the Hummingbird

Publication: Myths of the Cherokee, 1900

Author: James Mooney

Notes: James Mooney (February 10, 1861–December 22, 1921) was an American ethnographer and author who studied Native American groups, particularly Cherokee. He published Myths of the Cherokee during Ghost Dance, a 19-century religious movement that incorporated Native American belief systems.

The woman

North America

A Crane and a Hummingbird love the same woman
The woman preferred the Hummingbird for his looks
The Crane challenges the Hummingbird to a race to win over the woman
For seven days the birds race around the woman’s house
Despite the Hummingbird’s swiftness, the Crane is able to fly for long hours
The Crane wins the race on the seventh day
The woman says she will never marry the ugly crane and remains single


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