Week 8 Progress

GIF from Spirited Away, 2001
Looking back on the first half of the semester, I’m quite proud of the work I’ve done. It’s been hard keeping up the momentum during the middle—it’s tempting to slack off after midterms—but I want to continue coming up with new ideas and writing more stories as I have been for the past eight weeks. So far, my routine involves going to the library and sitting there for hours until I finish working. I’ll look over my notes for my weekly story prompt, and usually I’ll tweak it or take out a plot point that I didn’t care for until I’ve written a new story outline. From that point, the writing takes care of itself. It’s a pretty good system, so long as I stick to it.

Building my blog was easy because it already had various layouts to choose from. My website for the storybook project is alright for now, though I hope to refine it throughout the rest of the semester. I’ve been looking at different website layouts for inspiration, plus I’ve been working on incorporating original illustrations into the project. Since I’m an art student, I think it would only be fitting to include my art in the storybook.

What has helped me the most in this class is looking over the comments on my story posts. It’s been validating to read everyone’s compliments, and I’ve received a lot of good feedback to help me improve as a writer. I definitely benefit myself from learning from my peers in mythology and folklore, which I hope is the case for other students. Overall, I hope that everyone can learn something new from reading my stories.


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